Reuniting families affected
by UK spouse visa rules

Reuniting families affected
by UK spouse visa rules

New guide and resources for MAC's Call for Evidence on Minimum Income Requirement and Adequate Maintenance

The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) is an independent organisation that advises the Home Secretary on immigration policy.  The MAC has been asked to review immigration laws relating to family members and have published a call for evidence, asking for views and information about the Minimum Income Requirement (MIR) and the Adequate Maintenance (AM) test. 

We have drafted this guide to help you respond to that call for evidence. You must not feel obliged to respond to the MAC, but this is a good opportunity to have your voice heard along with many other families.

If you are now ready to submit your evidence, at this link you can find the individual forms to submit it.

We would advise to prepare your answers on a document using the guide here above to learn what questions will be asked and so that you are able to stay within the 500-word count limit for each answer.

Here below you can find other policy resources that might also be useful.

Policy documents and other evidence

Oral Evidence and Other Relevant Debates

External Resources

Mental Health Impact of the Rules

Love in Limbo: our families' stories

Our #LoveInLimbo campaign, in collaboration with IMIX, highlights the personal stories of those affected by this increase and navigating UK’s complex immigration system.

Through a series of heartfelt videos, families and couples impacted by the spouse visa restrictions share their love stories and struggles in our #LoveInLimbo campaign.

These are their stories:

Alex and Martyn

Ayesha and Jack

Paula and Adriano

Stuart and Rahfee

Rina and Ben

Sarah and Matteo

Kept Apart: E-Book on Families and Couples separated by UK immigration system